IMPORTANT: To see this screen shot at full size, you must expand the size of this window by dragging the lower right corner of the window further down and to the right.
Download Window Diagram
Here is a quick list of steps to follow to get you quickly on your way:
A) Open Download Deputy Deluxe.
B) Select the button that corresponds to the file type you are downloading (#5 in the diagram). Click “http” for HTTP files, or “ftp” for FTP files. In the URL: box (#2 in the diagram), type the path to the file you want to download. For example,, or (These are valid URLs)
C) To set the file to be downloaded anonymously (without a specific User ID and Password), hit the return key or click the Add URL button (#6 in the diagram). The file will be added to the queue (the list of files to be downloaded, #12 in the diagram). Skip to E.
D) If your file is an FTP file and you have a User ID and Password for the FTP site, enter the necessary information in the User ID (#3 in the diagram) and Password (#4 in the diagram) fields. Hit the return key to add the file to the queue.
E) Repeat steps B-D until you have completed the list of files. Until you REGISTER Download Deputy Deluxe, you will only be able to create lists containing 2 or fewer files.
F) To begin your download, click on the Go! button (#10 in the diagram) in the lower-right corner of the main window (alternatively, press command-B, or select Begin Download from the Deputy menu). (If you use a PPP connection to connect to the Internet, Download Deputy will now open it, if necessary.)